I know this is quick, but there's just something which is just too good to not be shared. Today I accomplished something amazing to me. Maybe not you all girls or certain guys out there, but proved to myself I can use the knife skillfully.
I bought a pineapple on Saturday from New Farm Market. It was so sweet, that the farmer/company will sell the pineapple after cutting off the head so that no one can re-plant the fruit. It was so good, i bought one whole pineapple. When I got home, I remembered, I don't know how to cut pineapple. At this point of time, I miss my good friends kok Shyong and Kok Woei. Cos they are 'Kings of Fruits'.
Nevertheless, i tell myself, after much observation, how can I not know? So in the morning today (Monday), I took up the knife and experiment. You know what?
This is the product.
OK, I admit its not the greatest you have seen, But, first attempt! You gotta give me some credit right? And I'm proud to say, I've learn to cut the two hardest fruit in Asia (if not the world). I can open durian with a screwdriver and now carving pineapples :)
Then at night, I was talking to this girl. She was the first girl I had a crush on. I was form 3 and she was form 2 at that time. So she called me at night to clarify some issues with her modem. And there I was, on my bed, cutting cellophane tapes to tape my books.
Suddenly, as I was reminiscing on the days I once fell in love with this girl, albeit at form 3, I felt a prick on my right index finger. Then I was woke out of my reminiscence to reality. S@#t, my hand is bleeding. Didn't want to hang up her call, I just put my finger in my mouth and try to suck my blood dry. The next thing I knew, my mouth was filled with blood. When I remove my finger, blood was gushing out!! So, reluctantly, I said, 'hey Fran, I cut my finger. I will talk to you later. I need to stop my bleeding'. With blood flowing, I got some serviettes and napkins to hold it. Still, the blood is gushing out! No choice, I ran to bathroom and wash it dry then thought of plastering it with medi-aid. Couldn't find it in my pile of rubbish!
This is my bed side table with all emergency needs. Some VitaminC, my cellophane tape, a condom, some pens (note: condom is an emergency, ok. The OZs told me)....BUT no medi-aid!!
Then I remembered. My medi-aid is in my suitcase up the cupboard where I pack it away. So had to climb, stretch, jump , dig, open, tear and finally had the plaster on. When I had it on, so relieved!

There are 3 lessons I learn and discovered today.
1) I can't be a master to two weapons. The day I discovered my knife skill is the day my blade betrayed me :(
2)Learn to type without index finger. My day ended with me typing this blog without using the index finger.
3) Always have essential things around you. Don't find toilet bowl only when you wanna shit! Look at what is on my bedside table. Those are ESSENTIALS! ......but sadly I left out medi-aid.
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