CELEBRATION?? Wait a minute. After class, I need to get to the computer and change the cable, then head to K-mart to get a ring of A4 paper for printing, go Woolies to get some groceries and head home to study! What celebrations? Crap! Such a kill joy, man!
In my first tutorial of the day, interestingly being Corporation Law, the lecturer as usual, came in late. As I was playing with my handphone, I tried to crack a pre-installed pin. After 3 attempts, my phone got block and I was asked to insert a PUK number. What PUK, yo? You people set a password for me without my permission and now barred my own phone. Now I can't phone, can text, and more importantly, can't receive any calls.
From having 3 things to do after class today, I now have a uttermost priority. My forth task, call '3' (mobile service provider, something like Maxis) to get my PUK. There goes another reason not to celebrate.
So after 50 minutes of unfruitful tutorials and 2 hours of boring lecture ( not forgetting I waited for 40 minutes to catch a bus to Uni today), I finally can go home and start my weekend. At 4pm after class, I dash out off class and straight head to the bus stop.
So follow checklist or priority list? To save cost, I followed priority list. So I took a bus to MSY Indooroopilly and change the printer's cable, then walk about 900 meters to Indooroopilly Shopping Mall to get papers. All that was left on the shelf was stacks of expensive papers and all the cheap ones and home brands are taken up or spoiled. Feeling frustrated and agitated, I told myself, 'calm down, mike. You can't control the situation. Don't let the situation control you either.' Fair enough, I told myself, fine. Since I've not been to Toowong Village, I will take a train down tomorrow and get a few rings from there. So I can kill two birds with one stone. Perhaps the situation may turn out for the better.
Straight I head to Woolies down stairs and get some groceries. But you know what? I actually don't have anything in mind to buy. Well, take stroll in the market, no harm right? What is the worst that can happen? Maybe I will find something cheap!
True enough, the thing I wanted today was on offer! Coke, I don't usually drink Coke back in Malaysia. But since arrival, I have been having this crave. It was selling 3 bottles for $7.95. But I cant carry 5kg of groceries today. My backpack was enough to kill me. Well, kos lepas I guess. So i ended up buying one pack of spaghetti, one pack of macaroni (59cents each, very cheap and value for money!), one pasta sauce, a bottle of salt and 6 in 1 food containers.
Again, I had my usual 1.1km walk uphill back to my home with 1.5kg of groceries. Not too bad!
As i got home, first thing! Call 3 to unlock phone. Succeeded in first attempt. Didn't expect it to be so quick and simple. Secondly, fix the printer. the whole week me and Bryan have been stressing on how to fix the printer. We were speculating what if its not the cable's fault. What shall we do? First tried, failed! Still can't print! 'Patience, brother! is the best virtue.' As I became calm, my brains started to function. Then I think, OK, insert installation disk.
Re-setup. Still can't! 'Chill!'. Then all of a sudden, me being me, the brilliant -dannyboy-, somehow, somewhat, I click into my control panel and change my default printer to number 2! Tadah! Printing perfectly!
I could hear the trumpets blowing rejoicing with me. I could hear the birds chipping as though they are saying: Well done, mike! i could hear, (all of a sudden) Sean said, 'Daniel! You received a mail and I think its your tax file number. Awesome man! Suddenly, everything is like falling into place. From being pissed off to rejoicing away, how can I not find a reason to celebrate?! Anyway, we must live today as if its our last day right? And that we dun regret tomorrow.
So I celebrated by treating myself to a salmon. First time I'm having a salmon all to myself. And first time I'm cooking a fish! Seriously. In KL, I eat 'kam foong yuu'. Mana ada salmon? So me being me who loves new experience. Cooked it! OK, I've to admit, its not the best salmon you'll ever taste, but it's really good!
Awesome! Fanstastic! But I believe I can still improve. There's one more in the fridge. Will do oven cheese baked salmon some other time. So remember to keep viewing here.
A serve of vegetable and rice completes my 2 course meal.
Evening itself, the 'sweetest' thing actually happened to me. My good friend/buddy/dude Eng Hong MSNed me and we webcam-med for 1 and a half hours. Very thoughtful of her.
So, a cup of cold milk and me blogging this diary pretty much sums up my Thurday 18/3/2010. It wasn't a spectacular day, but surely it will be memorable a few years later when I look back as those good old days!
Cheers, folks!
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