So, today, since I'm in a foreign land, being so cold outside (dunno why so freaking cold even though its only autumn!), ahh.. I just thought it was too cold for me to blog at my desk. So, I made myself a cup of coffee, tuck myself under the blanket and start to blog on my Toshiba L510.
Today is 14 of March 2010. Exactly one month ago, it was a very significant day as I was celebrating Chinese New Year and Valentines Day together with myself. 3 years back it was Gong Xi Raya, 2 years back it was Deeparaya and this year it was Gong Xi Fuck Chai! Significant as it is, my mood was in a difficult position as I in five days time, I knew I was going to embark on a life changing journey. I will be leaving for Queensland for a year.
Now that its nearly my one month anniversary, I can look back and say! Wow! What a great time I had! From having faster internet speed to visiting sex shop at night to staring at Playboy magazines for hours! I really had a blast!! Albeit, at times, I do miss mum's cooking, I miss fighting with my bro, I miss just throwing my dirty clothes on the floor yet knowing three days later, my clothes will be nicely folded in my cupboard with a fragrant smell. Here, if I throw my clothes on the floor, in one week's time, I need to be naked while washing my clothes. If it doesn't dry on time, well, I just need to go Uni naked.
Secondly, another reason why today is a very significant day to me because few minutes ago, I actually open my book and study. Albeit for 5 minutes. But I actually studied! Never in 21 years of my life living on this face of earth I open my textbook. But few minutes ago. I did. Well, the reason is simple. I spend $557.80 on textbooks this semester. You can do the maths and quote in RM. I dare not calculate. Later I heart attack. Wanna see what does $557.80 looks like?
Yea, 3 Income Tax Law books (textbook, legislation and case study), 2 Corporate Law books (main text and legislation), one Financial Reporting text and one External Reporting text. Yo, baby! I'm gonna have a nice and interesting semester ahead!
Here are a few pictures of what I did in my third week in Oz:
I started real cooking! This is my fried rice on Monday. It was awesome seriously. With the big sausage. It was really big. Bigger than.....normal :)
So, first night was Chinese and second night, I went Italian. So I made the Italian dish the whole world knows!
Spaghetti Fettuccine! You see, I wanted to eat Spag but I can't forget my Chinese roots. I already breach my laws by seeing Playboy mags, so I can't go on like these. So I ate Spag with chopstick. Then people keep asking me, wah! you mean u can cook 'wat dan hor??' Sweat! Shows that my Spag was a failure (or they are blind! shhh)
On Friday night, Ian and Avene once again went on a food recky tour and this time, they called me along. They said apparently there was this very southern Indian food in Paddington. In case you don't know, there are 2 types of Indian. Mainly Northern and Southern. Northern Indians are fairer people like Shah Rukh Khan or Aishwarya Rai. Their food is mainly vegetarian and that is where you get your capati dahl from. Southern on the other hand are the darker skin people like what we commonly see in Malaysia. They are the chicken vandooloo inventors. So we ordered curry lamb, butter chicken and chicken curry with a lot of appetizer such as curry puffs and pappadam.
On Saturday morning, its cleaning time!! I have a busy day today. I need to do marketing with Ian and then go over for roast in the evening. So this is what my bed looks like after a week.
Its no more a queen size bed. Its barely a single. Its a back side size bed. That's all that matters isn't it? Just to rest your ass on it. Once You're tired, just lie down on the rubbish. You won't know it. Man! I need a wife! seriously. If not, can someone please visit me? I need motivation to clean my room. My idea is, since no one sees my room, why clean? Its gonna be untidy again anyway! So I just cleared my waste paper basket, had a cup of milk with coco-crunch, and off I go to New Farm market, up north to where I live to get groceries.
But you know what? There were barely 20 stores that sells raw food. Most of them are cooked food like our pasar malam. To put it simple, it was morning pasar malam. You know what I mean.
Well, like the Old Folks saying, since you've fallen into the water, might as well just make full use of it by taking a bath. So that's what I did exactly. I bought a hotdog which sausage is huger than the one I ate with fried rice.
Squeez heaps of tomato sauce and mustard on it on my juicy, crispy, mouth-watering, tasty, delicious....hotdog.
So to get proper food, we went to Inala, a little suburb where majority of them are Vietnamese. So its a Little Vietnam of Brisbane.
When I bought some salmon to cook during the week, this is what I saw.
For dinner, Ian and Avene made me a roast. It was a lovely lamb. So much so, I can taste it as I am writing this blog.
Potato salad.
Danish bread with olive oil and vinegar as appetizer. So typical Italian. Lovely!
Almond pudding, Turkish Delight and Coffee as dessert. Really good after a full meal. I feel complete and looking forward for a Sunday!
And Sunday itself, there's nothing much for me to say except I took the Gospel in church today and at night, I ended my week with a lasagna which Ian made for me. Thanx, cous! U really made my day brighter with the awesome lasagna!
Don't judge the book by its cover. It was really good. Just that I screw it up in the heating up process.
Thanx guys, for reading! My next blog should be bringing you all on a trip around my Uni and see different places. Its really nice and hope you all stay tune to danielwhydaniel.blogspot.com
Have a nice week ahead, folks!
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