Again, I did some activities that may deem awesome to a few and awful to some. On Friday, it was a busy day for me. It was my first time taking a train in Brisbane. The reason was because I didn't know there was a station just behind my house. It's 400m away, not too bad, but going back is awful cos its uphill.
So in the afternoon, I took a train to Toowong Village to grab some A4 paper for my printer. First time going to the largest shopping mall in my area. Its big because they have the 3 largest supermarket chain in Oz. Woolies, K-mart, and Coles.
In the evening, again, so fascinated with the convenience of train, I called GT and ask him if he was cool for dinner? Sure! Why not?
So off we Brisbane City. City is very near my place. The train goes directly to city. Its only 5 stops away.
We started by going Korean.
I ordered Raw Beef and Rice. Too engrossed with the raw beef I forgot to take a pic. It was only after I mixed my rice up, I remembered I had a blog to report to. So, yea, here is my Friday dinner at $11.80. Good thing GT had a discount card. So it cost me about $10. Not too bad seriously. Remember, I cant convert to RM!
Then we took a walk to Southbank. Reason was simple. Last time I went, I didn't take much picture cos I FORGOT MY CAMERA!! remember? This time I made sure I remembered.
We walk along some shops (similar with the ones I explained in my previous article). We stopped at a street performance and I've to admit it was rather entertaining and humorous.
Introducing Mr. OMG. I call him OMG cos he likes to repeat OMG at the beginning of every sentence.
If you remember well, I was telling bout a man-made beach. Now here's a photo of it. Its called Streets Beach.
Here's a reverse direction. At Southbank, taking a view of Brisbane City.
Then we saw the Italian dance. Its a street, where everyone, anyone can just dance to the music. This moment was a Latin dance, I believe. With all the girls dancing close approximate to guys, I can imagine if I was dancing with her! Wah! What a moment to think of.
There are few street attraction along the way such as singing and the above is oil spray painting.
And the final place I went, CASINO! It was a good experience being inside there. But I though, how come I need to be a member to get free drinks? And that also limit me to 2 cups a day! Boy! Genting gives me bottom less drink till you drop even though I don't gamble. No choice, so I signed up to be a member. And its free!! Awesome, so one cappuccino and a diet coke for me for the night.
Just opposite, the monument, is my train station back home. Central. Its some sort like KL Sentral. Just that KL Sentral is not in KL city centre but Brisbane Central is in the center of Brisbane city.
So much of its convenience, I was stuck in Central for an hour because of some technical knock out.
Got home at about 11.30pm, watch movie till 4am, and woke up at 10am next day. Awesome.
That sums up my date with GT on Friday. Good thing Siew Eng don't read my blog often. But don't worry, I wont do anything which will sorry you!
I really need to hit my books man! Week 4 starts tomorrow and I'm still so slack. Can someone please stop me from playing and whack me to study?
Mind Blogging Thought of the Week...
This weekend, something struck me. Can someone please share with me your opinion? I need your views.
You met this person online and you chatted as friends. You only know her via Facebook and you have not met her in person before. So happen, you both are from the same secondary school but different class. After a few months, you realize that you like this person very much.
Can the feeling be trusted? Is it a spur of the moment emotion or you are really in love with her?
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