Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sa far in Brissie

Thinking of Malaysia and my family back home, really feel homesick. In Malaysia, I have freedom and privilege. In Oz, I have freedom and no privilege. No car, no close friends yet, no midnight yumcha with Chester, no pasar malam opposite my house. There's a lot to list out actually. Back in Malaysia, I always hentam Malaysia. But it is only now I realize its the politicians who are screwed up, not Malaysia. I feel proud to tell people I'm a Malaysian. Cos it gives you a sense of belonging. If you have no citizenship, you are nobody. But when you tell people you're a Malaysian, they will affiliate you with 'Muslim Country' a.k.a Terrorist Country. But of course, you will try to say 'no! I'm a Malaysian Chinese which happens to be a Christian. I'm a Chinese, not a Malay!" Well, by saying that, you have committed 2 offenses.
1) Whether you're a M'sian Malay ot M'sian Chinese, please shut up! As long as you possess a Malaysian passport, they will look at you twice and stare at you thrice. At least that was what happen to me. Esp with my 4 days beard and mustache, lagi la they suspect terrorist!!
2) Never tell a Chinese national (people from China) you're a chinese. They will ask you to fuck off! Imagine a Pakistani tells you he's a Malaysian. Will you get pissed off? Sure! I made a mistake by saying I'm a Chinese. What happen next will be kept unsaid, but I'm sure u guessed it right.

So please tell the Malaysian government not to discriminate us by race. As far as the Oz government is concern, I'm a Malaysian!! Ahmad is a Malaysian! Samivellu is a Malaysian! If they ever say I'm a chinese, Oz immigration will put me in jail for trying to fake my identity! Oh, Najib, please be more sensitive and call us Malaysians!! Not Chinese....

This, is a chinese!!

....and this, my friends, is what you called a bloody MALAYSIAN !!!

p/s: We're not a Malaysian in Malaysia, and we're not a Chinese in Australia...So please don't blame us when we're screwed up.

In the Beginning..I'm Dannyboy

Hello there,

Welcome to

This is Dannyboy and I'm glad you found your way here after typing such a LOOOONNNGGG address!

This blog serves more as a log/diary rather than a blog. It was created to update my love ones and friends and tell them what on earth am I doing is Australia (Oz)!! I've been blogging via Friendster since mid 2006 and there was little motivation to continue. But since I'll be in Australia for a year, don't know many people around, well, I may start to blog again who know, I may be a blogger!! Well, I mean, all bloggers started off as occasional ones before they made it big right?

So please continue to enjoy your time visiting my blog. If you come across anyone who knows me, yea, give him my address and we can communicate via this blog.

I better blast off from here and update myself on other post to keep you all entertained. Till then, have a nice day and feel free to stroll around my blog.
