Yesterday, someone told me to sau pei. Today, someone ask to sau ye (pack up your stuff). Ya, it was literal. My housemate Sean, who was the kind chap who rented a room of his to me, is planning to move back to Melbourne in mid May. Since no one can take his room at $270 a week, I have to move out as well. So yesterday, he have me the Ultimatum to get a new place after my mid sem which means 1st of May. Sigh, I'm homeless by then.
When I first arrive here, it wanted to move away fast to be nearer to my friends. As time passes, I began to like this place very much. Last week, i discovered there is a bus stop 100m away from my house that goes directly to city. So convenient, plus the train station is just behind my house. I love this place so much until this evening, Sean dropped the bombshell. My world went crushing down.
Its like dunno this girl initially. You're just looking at hind side.

As time went pass, you begin to like here more and more.

So much so, there was a bond, and you knew, she was the one.

Then when all is said and done...she leaves you....

Then all you can do is to bury yourself..
So I'll be without a home from May onwards. If any of you plan to visit me, sorry mates! I have exams prior to May and no house post May. You all should have come when the invitation was open!
sau pei