Monday, April 19, 2010

If The Job Is Worth Doing, Its Worth Doing Well

Hello guys,

As usual, its my exam period now. There won't be any post to update you all. But there's heaps of stories to tell u all. My Uni's 100th Birthday, my first KFC experience, my first examination outside of the country. But I promise all readers and friends that I would post it all after exam.

Tonight, no more educating girls bout guys, no more insulting and teasing each other. But I will to post an email my sister gave me before I entered Form 6. Entering Form 6 was the biggest moment in my life. No one except my uncle encourage me to do Form 6. They said its a waste of time and blah, blah, know what I mean.

But on the hind side, after all has passed, I looked back and I can proudly, honestly and sincerely say Form 6 is one of the best moments in my life. And after reading this poem again few days back, I could recall how accurate this was.


The Job’s Worth Doing Well

There will always be the knockers

When its your turn to sing.

There will always be those who say

You should be doing some other thing.

Remember this is your life, mate.

Do your best right from the bell

Always remembering that if the job’s worth doing,

The job’s worth doing well.

Do not knock the knockers

They are a type of judge.

They test your courage and resolve

To stand tall and never budge.

They spur you to remember

As you hear that final bell

That if the jobs worth doing,

The job’s worth doing well.

You’ve made it to the finals

All is quiet on the wings.

Not a word is heard from those who said

You should be doing other things.

Be glad about the knockers

For giving you so much hell.

They helped you to remember

The job’s worth doing well.

This poem gave me an encouragement to face the 'knockers' and 'circumstances' that I face. May this be an encouragement to all of you as well.

This post was immediately thought of when I saw Umbrella's post. Hope it will help you to overcome whatever problems it may be.

Have to faster sleep now. Wasted one whole day today. Waking up early to see my potential new house at 7am and then will be heading to library to study yo.

Good night, folks.

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