Frankly, the taste is more or less the same. (sorry, forgot to bring camera that day, so no pics), I was at a restaurant called Petaling Street on the day of arrival. I had 炸肉干捞面,and my aunt had鱼头米. I also had the best crab noodles in town the night after. I doubt there is such 姜葱蟹炒生面 back in KL. So first few days is all about food and after that, its all about adventure.
So tomorrow I will be embarking on an adventurous journey on my own. The itinerary is as below (do Google if there are some place you are not familiar with).
(1) Monday 19/7/2010- Great Ocean Road
(2) Tuesday 20/7/2010- Sanctuary Hills, Balarat
(3) Wednesday 21/7/2010- Phillip Island.
These are important things I brought before I do a solo travel.
And my ever reliable hiking bag. A typical solo traveler will always have these 10 items with him.
The items above are
1. my red Uni jumper
2. blue parker
3. maroon sweater
4. black beanie
5. gray neck warmer
6. blue gloves
7. Tasco binoculars.
8. red water bottle
9. most important of all!! Camera Tripod!
Walking shoes. Its really really really important to have a pair of good shoes. That is because adventure is all about walking. If you're lost, you must be prepared to walk. Guess what, this 'sophisticated' shoes, a.k.a 'My Hiking Shoes' cost me RMB70/RM35/AUD10. That's dirt cheap considering it has served me in China, Uni and Oz.
So guys, there will be heaps of photographs to be uploaded here in the next few days. If I slack a little, please don't blame me la. Really tired after each trips and will need time to chill before I start to re-narrate again.
Till then, wish me good luck and see you all soon.
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